CHANEL-Mulberry亮皮化妝包 售價:445 |
CHANEL Mulberry 閃耀亮皮化妝包 ● $489 免運享原價$1600 ➩ 1個 ($489/個) ● $889 免運享原價$3200 ➩ 2個 ($445/個) 【商品規格】 材質:漆皮 顏色:莓紅 尺寸:約 18 × 12 × 4公分 本優惠為平行輸入商品,並為化妝品之贈品,未在品牌精品店中銷售,也不附商品卡 此組商品係本公司供貨商大量進貨有償(價)取得,為特惠組拆售故無外盒及封膜,為免消費者收受商品後有所疑慮,特此說明如上 •Stores your cosmetics, accessories, cash, smartphone, and other necessities •Perfect for any occasion including shopping and travel •Kindly note that this a gift with cosmetic purchase •Free-with-purchase item, not available for sale at brand’s boutique and do not come with authentication cards Material: Patent leather Colour: Mulberry Dimension: 18 x 12 x 4cm 看此商品的人也會想看這些 ☞ 超值「美妝服飾」好康 |